Monday will be Brian and I's one year anniversary and we are headed out today to celebrate and have a little R&R. As much as we would have loved to hop back on a plane and fly to Mexico for our honeymoon all over again, we opted for a short getaway to where: you guessed it, the Upper Peninsula. Hey don't knock it; it may not be the most romantic getaway for our one year anniversary, but it is so us.
One year; my goodness, I still feel like I am floating on cloud nine. Our day was everything I had imagined and more. The weather was a perfect October day; sunny and a little crispness in the air. The leaves were at peak; bright bold colors. Our friends and family came together to share in our sweet and personal ceremony. And then PARTY! I loved everything about that night. It still gives me butterflies when I think about it.
And Brian, you are the most amazing man, my highschool sweetheart. Everyday with you keeps getting better and better. I laugh with you, cry with you, share my hopes and dreams with you and yes even eat swiss cake rolls with you. :) You are so supportive and believe in me. So, happy one year to us! Luv you Brain! :)

...and to our guys rock! :)

There's nothing wrong with going to the UP to celebrate your anniversary. We went to Traverse City for the weekend to celebrate our first anniversary. It was relaxing and low-key - perfect!
Happy anniversary to you two!
Happy Anniversary!!
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